Demand Your Tax $$ be Used In Valley Center
Demand Your Tax $$ be Used In Valley Center

Demand Your Tax $$ be Used In Valley Center

courtesy of Promote Valley Center

Our Valley Center Fire Protection District VCFPD, has not had a revenue review since 1982- over 42 years ago. We currently receive 2% of the San Diego County Tax revenue (of the Revenues paid into for property taxes) when in fact we should at a minimum receive 6%, per Chief Joe Napier.

Our Valley Center Community has grown exponentially in the last 10 years, from 9,000 to 23,000 in population- increased 79%. With this growth- the collected property taxes and paid to San Diego Tax Collector was close to $29 Billion.

Currently, the redrawn maps showing the high fire areas was supposed to only inform us residents. The map wasn't redrawn to work against us. However, insurance companies use the map to decide who will receive exorbitant homeowner's insurance policy increases if their home isn't close to a fire station. A homeowner at the Community Fire Town Hall stated his homeowners insurance went from $2,000 a year to $10,000. These are not rich folks at their retirement age. We need more fire stations, otherwise, more and more of us may become victims of homeowners rate increase.

With growth comes more responsibilities. The demand for emergency services in Valley Center has consistently increased. We all see the number of accidents each week on our roads, and this is just the obvious. There are so many more services our fire fighters provide on a daily basis.

Four (4) Fire Stations are needed: Currently, we have 2 Fire Stations. You can find their addresses per Google. Per our population growth, it is advised to have 4 Fire Stations. The 3rd fire station has commenced construction, but funds are way off to complete the station. I believe this fire station is going in on Cole Grade rd. Land will need to be purchased first for a 4th fire station to even be considered. Fact: a fire truck, per Chief is $800k.

We Need Every Resident to be aware: Currently, the issue at hand is to get the review on the Docket to Even be considered!!! Crazy right! With all the info. above why isn't it a reciprocal action- Our community pays in Lots of property taxes then why aren't we receiving a fair share in return? Apparently, it's just not that simple, per Jim Desmond. The Property Tax system has a general fund... and most of our politicians don't want to dip into this fund even for Lil Ole Valley Center. Do they want to see us fail??

We let the County take over our Parks, which you see what happened when they did- we lost our Rodeo! They say, the permit cost to have a rodeo wasn't worth it!!! Don't let them watch us fail- don't let them sideline us!

We need Every Resident's help. Please write to our county representatives, let them know why it's critical that the taxes we pay in our community be appropriated BACK to Valley Center. It's our money!

Download the template and email or mail your letter the five Supervisors and the Chief Administrative Officer today!

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